The success of any great school is determined by the strength of its community. To reach their full potential, twice-exceptional students need to be with other twice-exceptional students who stimulate learning and create friendships. They need faculty members who respect their intelligence and who see them as talented young people, not as struggling disabled children. Twice-exceptional students thrive when their parents are in a supportive community with other parents who are seeking to understand and accept their children. When twice-exceptional children are educated in a community that values who they are — one that defines them not by what they cannot do, but by the extraordinary things that they can do — then these unique children have the best chance of growing into socially capable, goal-oriented, and highly educated men and women.
Shop N' Support
By shopping at one of the participating vendors, enrolling in a vendor's community support program, and designating Bridges Academy as a recipient, our school will receive a portion of the dollars you spend, in cash or credit!
We have initially identified four school/community support programs for your participation:
By shopping at one of the participating vendors, enrolling in a vendor's community support program, and designating Bridges Academy as a recipient, our school will receive a portion of the dollars you spend, in cash or credit!
We have initially identified four school/community support programs for your participation:
Classroom Rewards - Give 5% back to your teachers. For every purchase you make at Staples from 5/19/19 - 9/15/19, 5% will go directly to the educators you choose in their rewards check. Visit
eScrip Program - Your everyday purchases and dining can earn money for Bridges! Simply go to, click on "sign up," select Bridges Academy (School ID#500025305), and follow the instructions to register your grocery and existing credit/debit cards.
Office Depot's "5% Back to School Program" - - Bridges will receive 5% of your qualifying purchases to use toward supplies. Simply provide our school ID# 70209896 at checkout. For details, visit
Ralph's Community Contribution Program allows you to designate Bridges Academy, (School ID# 93149), to receive a percentage of your eligible purchases (1-4% depending on your monthly spending level). To enroll or link your existing card, go to and sign in or sign up, enroll in Community Rewards, and designate Bridges Academy.
Amazon Smile - Support us when you shop at Amazon! Just use this URL when purchasing any items: