We are dedicated to understanding and educating gifted and highly gifted students with learning differences (twice-exceptional or 2e students) and fostering a successful academic and social experience for our students and the broader community. We do this through the work of two divisions: Bridges Academy and The Center for Twice-Exceptional Research and Professional Development (The 2e Center).
Bridges Academy, a college preparatory school for Grades 4-12, empowers its students to thrive academically and socially through small classes and differentiated instruction, creating an environment in which gifts are recognized and developed, and learning differences and disabilities are accepted. Many students come to Bridges defined by their challenges but graduate defined by their strengths and talents.
The Center for Twice-Exceptional Research and Professional Development educates and supports educators and the broader community in the identification, understanding, and education of twice-exceptional students. By seeking out and developing best practices through research, curriculum development, outreach, and teacher training, the 2e Center allows us to develop and share our knowledge to benefit this underserved population.
Bridges Academy, a college preparatory school for Grades 4-12, empowers its students to thrive academically and socially through small classes and differentiated instruction, creating an environment in which gifts are recognized and developed, and learning differences and disabilities are accepted. Many students come to Bridges defined by their challenges but graduate defined by their strengths and talents.
The Center for Twice-Exceptional Research and Professional Development educates and supports educators and the broader community in the identification, understanding, and education of twice-exceptional students. By seeking out and developing best practices through research, curriculum development, outreach, and teacher training, the 2e Center allows us to develop and share our knowledge to benefit this underserved population.
"BRIDGES ACADEMY EDUCATES STUDENTS WITH GREAT POTENTIAL FOR DEVELOPING HIGH DEGREES OF EXPERTISE AND/OR INNOVATIVE IDEAS AND PRODUCTS." These students also have learning differences which they have found frustrating or impossible in other settings to find both the supports they need for social or academic success and the opportunities to use their strengths to pursue their passions and fully develop their talents. Some of our students do not have a formal diagnosis. It is very clear that they are extremely bright and while they can function in a regular school environment, a community of bright students is preferable. Twice-exceptional students often find themselves misunderstood, misdiagnosed and dismissed as lazy, incapable and/or emotionally troubled. In the right environment, they likely are none of these. We do the work first and foremost to show these students what they indeed are capable of, to inspire them to dream about a promising future and to achieve those dreams, and show them how -albeit in their unique ways. We do this work to show their parents, their parents’ friends, business associates and indeed other educators and policy makers, the extraordinary value and human potential of those who comprise the 2e population. |
The Twice-Exceptional (or "2e") Student: |
In order to maximize potential social, emotional, academic, intellectual and creative growth, we limit class size to 8-10, with most classes averaging 1 teacher for every 4-5 students. Providing this level of attention allows us to better understand their profiles. Provided with a fuller understanding of a student's profile – and in the context of low student-teacher ratio – we adjust (to the greatest extent possible) what we do on a daily basis to better plan, monitor, motivate, support, and inspire teaching and learning on a daily, moment-by-moment basis.
Bridges Academy is comprised of two main divisions: The Phoenix Program, and the 7th-12th grade post-secondary preparatory program. The Phoenix Program is specifically designed for 2e students ages 9-12. The post-secondary prep program for students in Grades 7-12 continues and deepens the development of the social, academic, intellectual, and creative potential necessary for post-secondary work in universities, internships, tech- or arts-oriented colleges, or early entry into a career in the student’s talent area.
Bridges Academy is comprised of two main divisions: The Phoenix Program, and the 7th-12th grade post-secondary preparatory program. The Phoenix Program is specifically designed for 2e students ages 9-12. The post-secondary prep program for students in Grades 7-12 continues and deepens the development of the social, academic, intellectual, and creative potential necessary for post-secondary work in universities, internships, tech- or arts-oriented colleges, or early entry into a career in the student’s talent area.